Lab Values
Members of the lab are united in the goal of understanding craniofacial development and help and support each other in their research and career aspirations.
We each bring a unique perspective and skill set to the lab, and each lab member adds value to the team. We respect each other and embrace how our different perspectives can improve our science and the scientific community.
Both within and beyond the lab, science is a community. All members of the lab are encouraged to be active citizens in the scientific community, whether within their graduate program, though service to professional associations, or outreach into our local community.
Mentoring Philosophy
Effective mentorship is vital to creating and maintaining a strong scientific community. My goals are to are to encourage members of the lab to be passionate about their work, think critically, and collaborate effectively. My mentoring approach is to first provide a framework for an area of study and then provide opportunities for independent investigation tailored to the individual. Clear communication is important in a mentoring relationship, and I use the guidelines established in this article to address expectations and provide opportunities for discussion.